Bullz-Eye’s Favorite Albums of 2010: Staff Writer Mike Farley’s picks

It was an interesting year for me music-wise. So much great stuff passed my desk or by e-mail from publicists, but something odd happened: my old PC started getting so slow that I literally could not listen to my iTunes and work at the same time. Makes writing CD reviews tough, but makes listening while I work to get a feel for new music even harder. I persevered, playing stuff in the car and also, finally, getting a super-fast new PC recently. My joy of listening to my iTunes catalog and discovering new music has returned. And so, I give to you, my Top 10 albums of 2010:

1. The Silver Seas: Chateau Revenge
There are two songs on this album that can bring anyone from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs in no time flat: “The Best Things in Life” and “What’s the Drawback.” Daniel Tashian and company continue to make some of the best music that, unfortunately, most people have never heard. So hey, this holiday season, do something about that. Go buy the Silver Seas’ music, and tell them I sent you.

2. Rooney: Eureka
Editor David Medsker to me, “Hey, I think you’ll like these guys.” Me, after hearing band: “Um, understatement.” It’s just good, unadulterated pop/rock – no whiny kid voice and no Auto Tune.

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Rooney: Eureka

RIYL: Weezer, Butch Walker, Fountains of Wayne

It’s pretty rare these days that a band on a major label or an offshoot of a major has free reign to make the record they want. But that’s just what we have on our hands with Los Angeles-based rock band Rooney on their third album, Eureka. They wrote the material and produced it, and the result is a stunning set that is as catchy as anything out there today. The arrangements and production on Eureka are such that the melodies jump out of speakers – and while there is a distinct resemblance to Weezer, for the most part there are no formulaic songs on this album.


You know how they used to call Budweiser a good drinking beer? Eureka is a good listening album. Seriously. And Rooney shines equally on upbeat pop numbers like “Holdin’ On” or “All or Nothing;” on funky ear candy like “I Can’t Get Enough;” or even darker, melodic, piano-driven tracks such as “Only Friend” and “Stars and Stripes.” In fact, try to find a bad track on Eureka. It makes you wonder why bands are forced to write with the Kara DioGuardis of the world or to be produced by label hires that make everything sound the same. It’s sometimes best to just let them be a band, just like Rooney. (California Dreaming/Warner Bros.)

Rooney MySpace Page