Carlon: Johari Window

“Canteloupe,” from New Jersey quartet Carlon’s debut album Johari Window, is one of those lightning-in-a-bottle moments, a slice of Hollies-style genius that seems to stop time. Indeed, singers Michael McWilliams and Ryan McGlynn do such an uncanny impression of Hollies singer Allan Clarke that they should be forced to take a blood test. “Rosie” does not fall far behind with its delightful climbing falsetto vocal. When the band tries to rock out, the results are fine, but do not measure up to the album’s quieter moments. “Have a Window” falls somewhere in between, with the somber verse and fuzzed-out chorus. All young bands naturally want to rock, but Carlon’s talents clearly lie in the hushed moments. Either way, it will be very interesting to see what they do next. (Ropeadope Records 2008)

Download Carlon’s “Canteloupe” here

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